영어 예배


ONSEGE GRACE CHAPEL ministers to the English speakers, both foreigners and Koreans, in and around the Incheon area. We worship and fellowship with one another; in all that, desiring to know Christ and make Him known through our joyful lives.

As a closely-knit community of believers, we welcome everyone with open hearts. Please come and join our worship and grow in the knowledge and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ!

11am / Sunday

If you are looking for

  • An English ministry to attend
  • Study God's Word faithfully
  • Sing songs, pray and praise God in spirit and in truth
  • Meet with internationals and fellowship

Then, Grace Chapel is the church for you (and your family)!

여러분들이 만약

  • 참석하고 싶은 영어예배(부서)를 찾고 있다면,
  • 하나님의 말씀을 신실하게 알고자 한다면,
  • 찬양과 기도 그리고 영과 진리로 하나님을 예배하고 싶다면,
  • 외국인 친구들 그리고 다른 교우들과 교제를 나누고 싶다면,

Grace Chapel은 바로 여러분들을 위한 교회입니다. 

인천광역시 부평구 부흥로 422-10 

전화 : (032) 361-0022

팩스 : (032) 361-5400